We've all got too much on our plate - so Royal Care services provides Support Coordination to help people with disability and their family or support network to navigate the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
We can help you to navigate the NDIS through the different stages of your NDIS journey.
We can support you to:
- Find the services and service providers that best meet your individual needs
- Coordinate service providers and supports, or build your capacity to coordinate your own supports
- Obtain quotes for services and set up service agreements with providers
- Source suitable accommodation and respite options
- Link you into a job, or other community activities
- Coordinate assessments, reports, health, and medical specialists
- Respond to a crisis; or identify solutions for managing risky situations, such as aging carers
- Plan and explore options for times of key life transitions, such as leaving school or moving home
- Monitor your NDIS plan outcomes and expenditure, and report back to the NDIA, and
- Re-develop your goals prior to your NDIS plan review.